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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Refilling the Cat Food Container

This week, on Thursday I had to walk up to the Physical Plant to refill the kitty food. On the way out after refilling, Mindy, I believe it was stopped me to ask about the cats. I mentioned the fact that Dot had showed up two weeks ago to eat as well. We figured that they were most likely litter mates since they have the same exact coloring, down to the white spot on the chest and the bright green eyes. I told her about the scuffle they got into ad she seemed a tad surprised, so I suppose I'll have to watch out for that kind of thing. They next day when I went to feed them, Dash came right out, but since there were other people walking around, Dot decided to go hide in the bushes this time. An old high school classmate came up and saw Dash and said she was very cute. I said she was, except for when she decides to roll around in the dirt and get brown dust all over her shiny black coat. Outdoor cats are weird.

Creative Commons License
Big Boy by Shelby Frank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at picasaweb.google.com.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dash Brought a Friend Along This Time

So, once again, I have fed Dash about four more times in between my last post and now. She's as friendly as ever. Seems to be getting mouthier, but that's alright because her meow is very light and adorable.
Moving on from that...
I was very surprised when I went to feed Dash on Friday, and Dot I believe her name is, showed up. When I looked at her, i figured she must be Dash's litter mate because she has the exact same coloring, down to the white spot on her chest, as Dash does. Plus, they were rubbing up against each other, purring and purring away. I spent some time petting Dot, after petting Dash, and she was just as friendly as her sister :). Unfortunately, right before I left, I had to break up a small squabble the two got into over who got to eat first. It wasn't that bad, more of a nuisance than anything, but it made me think of the fights my own litter gets into, and I missed breaking those up for a split second. It always made me feel validated as their Mama to see them respond to my commands so quickly. Hoping to see Dot again this Friday!
Creative Commons License
My Girls by Shelby Frank is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.